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Health Experts Warn Of Potential H5N1 Pandemic Following CONvid-1984 Playbook (Video)

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Published on: April 9, 2024

Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice, shame on me”.

If there is any advice that should be followed at this point it is “have eyes to see and ears to hear”. The reports circulating about “bird flu” or H5N1 are nothing more than fear-mongering to destroy the food supply and make way for a new biological weapon to be injected into everyone. And, the public should wrap their head around the fact that despite all indications, the CONvid-1984 emergency continues to this day without any sign of being lifted.

Before delving into this little diddy from Blacklisted News, please take time to watch the below videos in their entirety to understand what is being conveyed in the previous paragraph.

Below is the episode of the Dr. Jane Ruby show with guest Sasha Latypova who exposes thoroughly the military operation that was Operation Warp Speed and the biological weapon that is the CONvid-1984 injections.

Below is the episode of the Dr. Jane Ruby show with guest Dr. Lee Merritt on parasites and the illusion of viruses. The Latin word “virus” means toxin/poison.

As a bonus, it is a good idea to check out Dr. Jane Ruby’s videos on the hoax of “bird flu” or H5N1.

It’s time to unpack not only the article from Blacklisted News, but the source article as well.

A bird flu pandemic with the potential to be “100 times worse than COVID” may be on the horizon after a rare human case was discovered in Texas, experts have warned.

The H5N1 avian flu has spread rapidly since a new strain was detected in 2020, affecting wild birds in every state, as well as in commercial poultry and backyard flocks.

But it has now even been detected in mammals, with cattle herds across four states becoming infected, and on Monday, federal health officials announced that a dairy worker in Texas caught the virus.

This virus [has been] on the top of the pandemic list for many, many years and probably decades,” Dr. Suresh Kuchipudi, a bird flu researcher from Pittsburgh, said at a recent panel discussing the issue, according to the Daily Mail.

And now we’re getting dangerously close to this virus potentially causing a pandemic.”

How do these supposed “experts” come up with making the statement this “bird flu” has the potential to be “100 times worse than COVID”? That is never revealed – people should just “trust” their statements.

What test was used to determine the “illness” is H5N1 avian flu? There is no diagnostic test to determine someone has the “flu” much less a diagnostic test to determine a “strain” of flu.

Considering that not one “virus” claimed to exist has ever been isolated or proven to exist, what is actually going on here?

Interesting, isn’t it, this “strain of avian flu” was “detected in 2020”? Now, we are being told it affects wild birds in every state along with commercial poultry and backyard flocks. If you have a backyard flock, did you have any “experts” come to your house and test your chickens? And, think about what they would use to test for this “flu” – a PCR or maybe an ELISA test. The PCR is a “laboratory technique”, not a test. The ELISA test detects antibodies in the blood. NEWSFLASH – antibodies are not specific. The most common “antibody” is IgG – immunoglobulin G. IgG binds to many types of “pathogens” to protect the body from infection. It does this by binding the pathogens together, coating the surface of the pathogens allowing recognition and ingestion of the pathogen by phagocytic (eating) immune cells, which eliminates the pathogen. So, IgG is NOT specific to any type of pathogen. Toxins also mobilize the IgG mechanism of response. With IgG comprising 75% of an individual’s serum antibodies, it is there to respond to invasion by any pathogen or toxin.

The claim is now H5N1 has been detected in “mammals”, specifically cattle herds across four states. What prompted “officials” to test cattle herds in ONLY four states, if as the unnamed experts proclaim this “flu” affects wild birds in all states? Most people live in areas populated with various types of birds. How many have you found lying dead in your yard, on your patio, or seen on the side of the road that was not a victim of hitting a vehicle? If you have, how do you know it was some “virus” and not intensive EMF radiation, or old age? Right on cue, “federal health officials” (who are they?) trotted out to say a “dairy worker in Texas caught the virus”.

How do they know that without a specific diagnostic test for any “flu” much less a specific strain?

Here’s your next clue – “This virus [has been] on the top of the pandemic list for many, many years and probably decades”.

From the source article at The New York Post:

The dairy worker in Texas who was infected has reported “eye redness (consistent with conjunctivitis)” as their only symptom, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted.

The patient was told to isolate and is being treated with an antiviral drug for [the] flu,” the CDC said.

Next, the article shows a picture of two dead birds on rocks. Who knows what caused the birds to die? The inserted picture is meant for readers to connect the dead birds dying of unknown cause to H5N1 bird flu. Just read the caption and credit to Reuters.

The only symptom this dairy worker reported was “eye redness (consistent with conjunctivitis)”, more commonly known as “pink-eye”. No symptoms of body aches, cough, fever, or any signs of progression respiratory issues such as pneumonia. Yet, the individual is being treated with “antiviral drugs for the flu”. Pink-eye, conjunctivitis, is usually treated with ointment or drops administered via the eye – or it was years ago when it was not considered a symptom of H5N1 avian flu. Doesn’t it sound eerily similar to “COVID toe”?

The agency and “the whole  U.S. government is taking this situation very seriously,” CDC Director Mandy Cohen told the Washington Post.

She maintained that the virus does not pose much of a risk to the general public, noting that the dairy worker was in direct contact with infected cattle, and the US Department of Agriculture has said there are currently no changes that would make it more transmissible to humans. 

While cases among humans in direct contact with infected animals are possible, this indicates that the current risk to the public remains low,” the department said in a statement over the weekend.

But the fact that the virus has been found in cattle could mean it is starting to mutate, Cohen told the Washington Post.

We had not seen avian flu in cattle prior to last week. That is new,” she said. “It is a reservoir for [the] virus to circulate and potentially change.”

If the virus does mutate enough to infect humans, it could spread rapidly, the European Food Safety Authority warned on Wednesday, according to Fox News.

If avian A [H5N1] influenza viruses acquire the ability to spread efficiently among humans, large-scale transmission could occur due to the lack of immune defenses against H5 viruses in humans,” the Food Safety Authority said.

Who are these people at the European Food Safety Authority? It’s never revealed, not even in the Fox News story. Buried in the Fox News story is the indication that only one other case of a human having this “bird flu” occurred in Colorado in 2022, after “discovery” in 2020. Moreover, the Fox News story indicated the “infected dairy worker had exposure to dairy cattle in Texas presumed to be infected with HPAI A(H5N1) viruses”. [Emphasis Mine] Further down in the Fox News article, the fear porn begins, but readers will be saved from that propaganda here. You can read the source for yourself.

This European Food Safety Authority claims humans lack an immune defense against H5 viruses; however, didn’t we learn that IgG is present in the human body and attaches to pathogens – many different pathogens to be specific? Yes, so humans do have an immune defense against pathogens. But, that statement from the Food Safety authority leads into the next segment at The New York Post.

To prevent any potential spread, the US is already testing components used to create a vaccine for the virus, and two candidate vaccine viruses appear to be well-matched to protect against H5N1, the Washington Post reports.

Wow, there are already two “vaccine” candidates for H5N1. That was fast, meaning the “vaccines” were already in the works using the same legislative framework covering CONvid-1984. Remember, this “development” is based on presumption of “infected” cattle that passed it to a human with the only symptom being “pink-eye”. And, the only second case of assumed “bird flu” – the first being a resident of Colorado in 2022, confirmed by “positive testing” (likely the PCR). There is a lot of presumption and assumption going on for this to be considered “medical science”. It is more like “medical nonsense”. Don’t forget the CONvid-1984 injections were sold to the public as “safe and effective” (being well-matched) to protect against CONvid-1984 “infection”. The “safe and effective” claim for CONvid-1984 injections was later discovered and proven false. But, this scenario fits perfectly with the continued declared emergency for CONvid-1984 and injection development currently remaining under the management of the Department of Defense (DOD).

According to Sasha Latypova in an interview with Dr. Jane Ruby, a public health emergency was declared by HHS Secretary at the time Alex Azar for CONvid-19 in 2020 when only 11 cases were present in the united States as “confirmed by PCR”. Current legislation in effect allows ONLY the HHS Secretary to rescind any public health emergency HE has declared. Only two supposed cases of H5N1 since discovery in 2020 – two cases in four years. Yet, the public is being primed for a “pandemic” and readied to prepare to roll up their sleeves for a bioweapon to “prevent any potential spread” based upon assumption and presumption.

Are you operating with open eyes and ears yet? If not, no one can help you. The weaponization of medical (non)science – read “nonsense”, the public (non)health system, and private corporations is very real. All of it is brought to you by your own government that has been decades in the making. People are being “fear porned” into accepting the narrative that we have entered an age of perpetual “pandemics” requiring perpetual development of bioweapons, misnamed “vaccines”, under the direction of the Department of Defense (DOD). These injections are not going to be “vaccines” or pharmaceutical products supposedly developed under strict regulation following good manufacturing processes. They are going to be project demonstrations that are removed from any type of oversight from any regulatory body as Sasha Latypova has explained, after conducting much research with paralegal Katherine Watt of Bailiwick News, that are exempt from regulations and from following good manufacturing processes. Moreover, when under the direction of the DOD and military, the unlawful bypass of informed consent has been legalized through unlawful legislation. This is what we now have to grasp. How else could “pharmaceutical products” that take years to develop and test under current regulations be developed, produced, and administered within months? Under DOD management, there doesn’t even have to be a “clinical trial”.

Most people were snookered with CONvid-1984. Are you going to fall victim to the same play in the playbook again?

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